If you are looking to experience the best sites, the best courses and the best competition – either in preparation for Solo Nationals or to see where you stand against the best – The Tire Rack SCCA Solo National Tour is for you.These events average more than 275 drivers at each of the various locations across the country with most of the competitors coming from nearby states. These drivers come together to get a taste of the “Nationals” experience of competition and camaraderie.
National Tour competition takes place over two days with a different course each day, just like Solo Nationals. Drivers get three runs on each course with their best time from each added together for the final class standings. Runs are timed to 1/1000th of a second and knocking a cone down means a penalty of 2 seconds added to that time. All classes at National Tours are the standard Solo classes that you’ll find at Solo Nationals and in the SCCA in the Solo Rulebook.