The date is set, June 30th registration starts at 8:00 am show runs from 10:00 – 4:00 awards start at 3:30. This years Oxford 4th of July Parade will be held imminently following the car show awards. if you would like to have your car in the parade, please let me know so I can get you set up with the parade coordinator for lineup, location and staging information. Parade staging will be at Kramer Elementary school parade begins at 5:00 1.4 mile route. This is going to be the biggest show ever with the parade right on the heels of the show and all of the people coming in for the show and parade. Expect a very large turnout get your registration in early.Pre-registration information will be put out in January be prepared only 300 positions will be available for the car show. We are staging cars on the vast majority of the bricks on High St. in downtown Oxford and both the east and west park areas this year.
Also new this year the city of Oxford is donating the used bricks that came out of high and main streets so the commemorative bricks this year with the metal plaques afixed to them, will have actually been driven upon on high and Main Street in Oxford.
Stay tuned for more cool things to come